Did you know that four fifths of all women who get engaged receive a diamond engagement ring? The saying a diamond is a girls best friend certainly rings true, and men all over the world know that once you get the idea of marriage in your head, the diamond ring is the next thing to come.
Historically, over 2,000 years ago in the Roman civilization, a Roman bride would receive two wedding rings. She would wear a gold one in public and an iron ring which would be worn at home while doing house chores. Today, a woman typically only receives one wedding ring, although in the course of a long marriage a woman can also get diamond studs earrings, diamond tennis bracelets and diamond necklaces as anniversary presents and other various gifts.
Men all over know that not all jewelry stores are the same. Some cost more than others and some offer higher quality jewelry at lower prices. The Diamond Council of America was founded in 1944 to educate jewelry professionals, and today all jewelry is finely inspected and must pass specific quality standards in order to be sold.
The most important aspect of a diamond is its cut. Whether it is for diamond studs, bracelets, necklaces or rings, the cut of a diamond is the most important to how aesthetically pleasing the jewelry is. Some people prefer to buy wedding sets or bridal sets for a wedding, and sometimes the cuts of those diamonds match. Regardless, a wedding set includes an engagement ring and a wedding band that match, and is ideal for many couples.
Weddings are very important, and jewelry stores will attest that a large portion of their sales depend on the constant stream of weddings. However, a present like diamond studs goes a long way any time, and will certainly serve to be an excellent gift no matter what the occasion. Sometimes the occasion is simply to remind your significant other how much you love her.