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Pottery Tools and Supplies

Pottery wheel for sale

The three major types of pottery are earthenware, porcelain and stoneware. All of the three require pottery tools and supplies, but at the end of the day, getting into pottery can be a wonderfully rewarding experience.

A pottery wheel first came into existence in Mesopotamia, probably some time between 6,000 and 4,000 B.C.E. The pottery wheel revolutionized pottery production as it made it a whole lot easier to learn how to make pottery. Spinning it on a wheel is a lot easier than doing it by hand.

The definition of pottery is all fired ceramic wares that contain clay when formed, except for technical, structural and refractory products. Pottery can even be shaped through a number of methods, including hand shaping, injection molding casting and throwing it on potters wheels.

A great part of the history of pottery is prehistoric. Parts of pre literature cultures still had pottery tools and supplies and created pots which archaeologists find today and consider extremely important artifacts. In fact, pottery kilns from thousands of years ago are still being found through excavations in places from prehistoric times.

There is a reason pottery has been around for so long. Pots are first off useful, and the actual process of making pottery is relaxing and therapeutic for a lot of people. It is not difficult to make pots, and there are so many uses for fired clay pots that people do it all the time. Furthermore, decorating pots is something a lot of people do as well, and some people even create pots, decorate or paint them and then sell them, making a business out of the whole ordeal. Helpful research also found here.


Jacob hawkins 24-01-2014, 09:49

I found pottery to be a great way to stave off arthritis stopping me from doing things I wanted to do. If I stay active spinning pottery wheels one or twice a week, I can keep my muscles working.

Cassy Duncan 13-03-2014, 19:50

I got into pottery a few years ago when the senior center started offering beginner pottery lessons. I went to all of them and then got a kiln myself, now I make pots all the time.

Camilla Perez 13-04-2014, 13:02

I got into pottery a few years ago when the senior center started offering beginner pottery lessons. I went to all of them and then got a kiln myself, now I make pots all the time.

Kaylee Lopez 13-05-2014, 16:52

I got into pottery a few years ago when the senior center started offering beginner pottery lessons. I went to all of them and then got a kiln myself, now I make pots all the time.

Michael Bradley 12-06-2014, 16:54

I got into pottery a few years ago when the senior center started offering beginner pottery lessons. I went to all of them and then got a kiln myself, now I make pots all the time.

Victor Cummings 12-07-2014, 16:57

I got into pottery a few years ago when the senior center started offering beginner pottery lessons. I went to all of them and then got a kiln myself, now I make pots all the time.

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