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Category: Drug detox

Struggling With Addiction? Detox Centers Might be Able to Help

Oxycontin detox

When looking to break their drug habits, many individuals might suffer painful and difficult withdrawal symptoms, so finding professional medical help can be a good idea when going through the process of detoxing. Fortunately, there are many detox facilities that individuals can head to when they need a bit of help. More than half of new illicit drug users started with the use of marijuana, which is followed by prescription pain pills and inhalants, which are most common among younger teens. But no matter how someone got started on drugs, addiction could become a serious problem that causes individuals to need the services that are provided at detox centers. Though nobody necessarily wants to go to detox facilities, they are a good resource for anybody looking to break their addiction.

One of the most common reasons why individuals might want to visit detox facilities is alcohol problems. In 2011, 30 percent of men and just under 14 percent of women aged 12 and older admitted to binge drinking, or having at least five drinks on the same occasion, in the last month. This trend could mean that many people will want to take advantage of specific alcohol detox centers that cater to individuals with drinking problems. Those detox facilities could be vital to individuals looking to break their drinking habits and live a healthier lifestyle.

One of the most effective alcohol detox treatments that individuals can use is a drug called Naltrexone, which is an opioid receptor antagonist that is used for the management of alcohol and opioid dependence. Though the first two randomized and controlled trials of Naltrexone were published in 1992, it was not until 1994 that it was approved for the treatment of alcohol dependence. Today, it could be commonly used at detox facilities that individuals head to in order to get the treatments they need to break their habits. While Naltrexone is not the only alcohol treatment available, and some individuals might even prefer to go cold turkey, it is a great option for many.

Before heading to detox facilities, individuals should do a bit of research about their addiction in order to better understand it, and maybe even try to break it on their own. In order to do that research, some might head to the library and check out some books and magazine articles about the drug that they are hooked on. Others might simply hop on the internet where they can find websites, articles, databases, forums, and even support groups that can help with their problem. Either way, taking the time to do a bit of research can help individuals get better prepared for their experience in detox facilities, and maybe even lead to avoiding them altogether. Read more:

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March 2025