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Four Interesting Health Tips

Health talk topics

There are few things more annoying than having to deal with the sniffles or a cough all the time. Unfortunately, lots of people lack the strong immune system needed to fight back against colds and stay healthy all the time. If that is the case, they might want to listen to some health talk shows and find some helpful tips. There are lots of common things that health talks will include, like eating right and getting a good amount of sleep. However, there are also lots of unique little tips that help ensure health for all.

1. Shave That Mustache

If someone suffers from allergies, then having a lot of facial hair right under the nose could be a mistake. A full beard or mustache could be full of pollen or antihistamines that cause people to sneeze or cough all day long. Though shaving it off completely might be the most effective way to reduce allergens, washing a mustache twice a day could help keep it clean and allergen free.

2. Treat Cuts With Honey

Covering a would with honey might not be the most delicious way to use the sweet confection, but it can help cuts from getting infected. What most people do not realize about honey is that it is loaded with powerful antibacterial properties. So smothering a cut with honey before putting a bandage on is a great way to prevent infections.

3. Choose the First Stall

Public bathrooms are almost always gross, no matter how clean employees try to keep them. One of the best tips that can help guarantee health for all people is to use the bathroom stall closest to the entrance. A study found that the first stall tends to have less bacteria and more toilet paper, most likely because people choose a different one for more privacy.

4. Break a Fever

It can be tough for someone to get their body temperature down when they have a dangerous fever of over 102 degrees. Every family probably has remedies that they have used in the past, but the best way to break a fever is to put an ice pack under the arm or on the groin. Icing might be a little bit uncomfortable, and doing so will certainly give a person a chill, but it is the best way to break a fever. Any health talk online having to do with sicknesses should provide that as a recommendation.


Kayla Howell 21-10-2013, 08:13

Interesting about the first stall, especially for me since I hate hate hate public bathrooms.

Taylor Hart 14-03-2014, 14:04

There is nothing worse than having to poop in one of those highway rest stops lol

Alexandra Myers 13-04-2014, 17:46

There is nothing worse than having to poop in one of those highway rest stops lol

Jim Castillo 17-05-2014, 17:59

There is nothing worse than having to poop in one of those highway rest stops lol

Emma Smith 16-06-2014, 18:01

There is nothing worse than having to poop in one of those highway rest stops lol

Allen Obrien 16-07-2014, 18:04

There is nothing worse than having to poop in one of those highway rest stops lol

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