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Want to Cure People Worldwide of Diseases like HIV, AIDS, and Malaria?

Global health degree

Everyone knows that there are initiatives, feasible or not, to promote world peace. That may be too big of an issue to tackle, but health is not. Well being and health is something common to people all around the globe, and many epidemics, like HIV and AIDs, affect people worldwide. It only makes sense, then, to tackle these issues on a global scale. How?

The World Health Organization

The World Health Organization (WHO) is trying to answer that very question. WHO is a specific branch of the UN, with its roots dating back to April 7, 1948. The organization and its global health research already freed the world from smallpox in 1977, and they do not plan to stop there. Current members, most operating out of WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, are trying to arrive at global solutions to treat and cure HIV, AIDS, and tuberculosis.

What Can You Do to Help?

WHO, and other proponents of global health, always welcome new members among their ranks. Big name universities and colleges now offer global health programs and global health degrees for students who want to wipe out malaria, and beat other worldwide diseases. Students can choose an area of expertise, just as they would in any other field. Common programs focus on global mental health, or the health of women around the world.

Top researchers and students are coming to the realization that we cannot deal with global problems by shutting each other out. With more diseases and ailments affecting the entire world, people are rising to the occasion and devising global health care solutions and treatments.

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