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Want to Keep Your Home and Family Safe From Burglars?

Burglar alarm monitoring

Did you know that 2.2 million burglaries take place in the United States every year, and that as many as 87% are preventable? One of the worst things you can do is assuming that you are “above” or immune to burglaries. Thieves are everywhere, and they may very well break into your home. What are some ways that you can be aware, smart, and put an end to burglaries before they happen?

Know When You Are Most Vulnerable

Protecting yourself against home burglary starts with knowing when it is most likely to happen. Most burglaries happen during the spring or summer months, when it is warm. Thieves are not likely to brave the cold weather just to rob you. What time of day sees the most about of break ins? Burglars are most likely to break into your home anywhere from 10am to 3pm, when most people are at work.

Get a Security System

Thieves are most likely to nab valuables like jewelry, cash, electronics, guns, silver, and more. Keep your things safe by installing a burglar alarm, or looking into home security solutions. Face it. There is not much you can do while you are at work. Choosing a traditional home burglar alarm, or opting for newer, wireless burglar alarms, will give you a peace of mind when you are not at home.

Keep your house safe, and go to work without worrying. Install a home burglar alarm, like one of the latest wireless burglar alarms, and leave your home knowing it is secure, and safe from burglars. Great references here:


Addison Castillo 03-10-2013, 08:21

burglaries really can happen to anyone. i hadn’t experienced it myself, so i assumed that i was a-okay and, within the past year, two of my friends have had pretty bad break ins. One of them had a bike stolen from the hall just inside of his door!

Roberto Powers 10-03-2014, 21:07

Agreed. Assuming that “it won’t happen to me!” isn’t the smartest thing, and it’s going to catch up with you. My friend’s boyfriend had a break in. The thief assumed he was at work. And, when he realized he was home, hit him with a bat and took things anyway

Ava Fuller 10-04-2014, 13:48

Agreed. Assuming that “it won’t happen to me!” isn’t the smartest thing, and it’s going to catch up with you. My friend’s boyfriend had a break in. The thief assumed he was at work. And, when he realized he was home, hit him with a bat and took things anyway

Randy Ford 10-05-2014, 17:49

Agreed. Assuming that “it won’t happen to me!” isn’t the smartest thing, and it’s going to catch up with you. My friend’s boyfriend had a break in. The thief assumed he was at work. And, when he realized he was home, hit him with a bat and took things anyway

Natalie Williams 09-06-2014, 17:52

Agreed. Assuming that “it won’t happen to me!” isn’t the smartest thing, and it’s going to catch up with you. My friend’s boyfriend had a break in. The thief assumed he was at work. And, when he realized he was home, hit him with a bat and took things anyway

Kimberly Reid 09-07-2014, 17:55

Agreed. Assuming that “it won’t happen to me!” isn’t the smartest thing, and it’s going to catch up with you. My friend’s boyfriend had a break in. The thief assumed he was at work. And, when he realized he was home, hit him with a bat and took things anyway

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