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Wonder What the Flood Damage Statistics Say?

Preventing water damage

Did you know that the average annual U.S. flood losses between 2002-2011 were more than 2.9 billion dollars, according to the National Flood Insurance Program? These are mortifying flood damage statistics, but you should know that although some other flood damage statistics say that there are relatively safer areas, all 50 states in the U.S. can fall victim to floods and flash floods.

The flood damage statistics also do not paint the whole picture, since many home insurance policies do not include flood policies, according to the National Flood Insurance Program. Since floods can be so few and far between in many parts of the country, it does not seem like such a big deal. In fact, some might even call it a paranoid indulgence, but you should know that any water damage your home receives can have a wide spread effect.

Water damage in homes can cause nasty mold to grow, which can pose a serious threat to you and your family. Plus, water damage can also ruin the integrity of your home. Not to mention it helps create a perfect environment for pests and vermin. If you think that it would take a lot of water to do that much damage, then consider the fact that even just an inch of water in your basement can cause some serious harm to your home.

This is why it is important to clean up water damage and any floods damages. It is possible to take care of it yourself, but you can also hire experts and pay the modest water damage repair costs to ensure that any and all repairs are taken care of successfully.

You can fret over all this doom and gloom, and cringe at flood damage statistics, but honestly, the best method of repair is to prevent any damage.

If you have any questions or concerns about flood damage statistics, feel free to leave a comment! Learn more at this link.

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