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What Are Your Reverse Mortgage Qualifications?

Hecm reverse mortgage

If you are looking for reverse mortgage info, consider this. The Federal Housing Administration, often abbreviated to FHA, runs the reverse mortgage program under the Department of Housing and Urban Development, also known as HUD. A reverse mortgage will often benefit seniors who are looking to turn part of their home equity into cash.

Want more info? Here are four tips to help familiarize you with the process. These tips will also provide you with necessary information regarding reverse mortgage qualifications and how to meet them.

1. An Fha reverse mortgage does not mean you have to sell your home. In fact, you can keep your home and get access to tax-free cash with a reverse mortgage. If you meet the reverse mortgage qualifications, this could be your best option.

2. You will obviously have to pay back a reverse mortgage. But no matter your reverse mortgage qualifications, the debt created for a reverse mortgage is designed to never exceed the appraised value of your home. This means you do not have to worry about going further in debt that what the value of your home is.

3. Take a middle-income individual with a reverse mortgage in the United States. What would you guess his or her average yearly income to be? If you said just under $50,000, you are correct! This is one of the reverse mortgage qualifications that will determine how much you qualify for.

4. Other reverse mortgage qualifications to consider include the age of the home, the value and location of the home and the cost of the loan. Reverse mortgage guidelines also stipulate that at least one home owner must live in the house for most of the year. This ensures that the house is not abandoned and that you can get the most value out of it.


Jesse White 15-06-2014, 15:34

Reverse mortgages are such a great idea because they allow you to tap into the equity of your home, which is usually only done when it’s sold

Marc Schmidt 15-07-2014, 15:37

Reverse mortgages are such a great idea because they allow you to tap into the equity of your home, which is usually only done when it’s sold

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