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Picking Out Their First Bed

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Remember when you put your child into their crib for the very first time? Remember how small they looked? And then, in no time at all, they had filled up the space, and you realized it was time to buy them a bed of their own. But where do you start?

You will most likely be picking out that first bed yourself. Obviously safety is a consideration, but most toddler boys and girls beds have safety rails and are low to the ground, so you don’t have to worry about your little one tumbling out in the night. The transition from crib to bed might be a tumultuous one, so do what you can to make it fun. If your child has a favorite movie hero, cartoon character, or even vehicle, chances are good you can find a bed to suit their tastes.

But over time, those tastes may change, and the last thing you want is a three- or four-year-old who doesn’t want to sleep in their bed anymore. This is the perfect time to bring them to the furniture store to let them pick out their own bed. Making them responsible for the choice shows you trust them, and that they’re becoming a big kid. Be sure to walk them past all the girls and boys beds, but don’t forget to show them adult beds as well. They may find a style they likeā€”and you may not have to upgrade their bed later on.

More than one child sharing the room? Even if you do have enough room for two beds, bunk beds can be a very exciting addition. Not only do kids just love the concept, but bunk beds also allow for a more efficient floor plan, and not just by stacking the beds. Many bunk bed styles today incorporate kids bookcases and kids dressers into the structure itself, so you have more floor space available for crafts, model trains, toys, or your childrens desks.

No matter your childs age, picking out boys and girls beds can be a fun and rewarding developmental step. Involve them in the process, ask for their input, and you will also empower them for future choices down the road of life. Continue reading here:

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