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Archive for May 21st, 2013

Are You Looking for Cannabis Treatment Options?

Weed withdrawal symptoms

Most people may not realize almost 12 percent of Americans, which is around 25 million people, used cannabis within the past year. As you can see, a significant number of people use cannabis, and there are a lot of people who are unable to quit using marijuana. The good news is there are no physical marijuana withdrawal symptoms. The bad news is some people experience mental cannabis withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, cannabis treatment focuses on mental dependency issues more than anything else. One of the common side effects of marijuana abuse is depression. Recent studies by the American Journal of Psychiatry found people who smoked cannabis over a long period of time are 4 times more likely to suffer from depression.

While looking for cannabis treatment options online, you should be happy to know it is not dangerous to quit using cannabis cold turkey. Unlike alcoholism, people can quit using marijuana cold turkey without putting their lives in danger. If you are marijuana and are experiencing nightmares, disturbing dreams, or insomnia, you are not alone. Recent studies show almost half of all cannabis users report problems with sleeping. Cannabis treatment will help you overcome this issues and problems with the proper support.

A marijuana addiction program generally focuses supporting people who want to learn how to quit smoking marijuana. How can you tell if you are a cannabis addict? If you are unable to quit using marijuana, or you are unable to function without using marijuana, most likely you are a cannabis addict. There are some good points to think about on the issue of cannabis use. For example, the Ancient Chinese used cannabis seeds as a food source as far back as 6,000 B.C. In fact, during 2737 B.C., the Chinese emperor Shen Nung used cannabis for gout and rheumatism.

Why Contract Compliance?

Managed care review

Why hire a contract compliance company? Well, the answer is rather easy. A contract compliance company will give your private practice or hospital the managed care it needs without the headache it can cause and the time it can spend.
In the health field, time is always of the essence. There are not the extra hours in the day to concentrate on patients, complications and your personal life, as well as worrying about revenue recovery, payment compliance, payment reviews and a managed care review. This is why you hire an expert who has dedicated their time to doing just this.
A contract compliance company will organize and review contract compliance audits on your commercial payments, managed care plans and governmental payers. It is sort of like having an accountant who will not only balance your accounts, but seek to get you the money you deserve as well.
Furthermore, you could, essentially, have your own collections agency that also puts forth the extra energy to discern that everything your company is doing is in alignment with the law. A contract compliance agent will go through your contracts and your care plans to ensure all is on the straight and narrow, while collecting money on old, difficult and complicated accounts, where possible.
A contract compliance company is a must have in the health industry and there are plenty of companies out there who will make it their plight to manage your accounts for you and retrieve money you may have lost along the way. It is a worthy investment to retrieve the money you should have received and that you have earned. Let a contract compliance company lighten your load a little bit.

Many Homes for Sale Near Lake Michigan

Holland michigan real estate

Did you know that Holland, Michigan, is the home of the church that began to What Would Jesus Do? bracelet trend? It is no surprise really, given that Holland has almost two hundred churches. It is not known only for that, however. The tulip festival that takes place every year there attracts thousands of visitors, and there are currently about six million tulips planted in the city. Holland homes represent quality lake michigan real estate.

Many people are interested in Holland mi homes for sale because of its culture, beauty, and location near to Lake Michigan. It is probably one of the more popular choices for waterfront homes for sale in Michigan. This part of Michigan features a fair amount of tourists during the vacation season, and visitors enjoy boating, fishing, swimming and sailing in one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world.

Other popular areas for lake Michigan real estate are Grand Haven, Saugatuck, Spring Lake, West Olive, Allegan, and Zeeland. Even if you cannot get a home right next to the water, there are affordable options in all of these cities for people who want to be close to it. Grand Haven homes in particular are popular owing to its numerous bike trails and nationally ranked beaches.

If you are looking for lake Michigan real estate, find a realtor that is experienced, working full time, and licensed. A realtor with a good local reputation and a lot of experience is more likely to help you get a good closing deal on lake michigan homes for sale.

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May 2013