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Archive for August 13th, 2013

Wonder What the Flood Damage Statistics Say?

Preventing water damage

Did you know that the average annual U.S. flood losses between 2002-2011 were more than 2.9 billion dollars, according to the National Flood Insurance Program? These are mortifying flood damage statistics, but you should know that although some other flood damage statistics say that there are relatively safer areas, all 50 states in the U.S. can fall victim to floods and flash floods.

The flood damage statistics also do not paint the whole picture, since many home insurance policies do not include flood policies, according to the National Flood Insurance Program. Since floods can be so few and far between in many parts of the country, it does not seem like such a big deal. In fact, some might even call it a paranoid indulgence, but you should know that any water damage your home receives can have a

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Want to Cure People Worldwide of Diseases like HIV, AIDS, and Malaria?

Global health degree

Everyone knows that there are initiatives, feasible or not, to promote world peace. That may be too big of an issue to tackle, but health is not. Well being and health is something common to people all around the globe, and many epidemics, like HIV and AIDs, affect people worldwide. It only makes sense, then, to tackle these issues on a global scale. How?

The World Health Organization

The World Health Organization (WHO) is trying to answer that very question. WHO is a specific branch of the UN, with its roots dating back to April 7, 1948. The organization and its global health research already freed the world from smallpox in 1977, and they do not plan to stop there. Current members, most operating out of WHO headquarters in G

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Blogs Are More Than Just For Someone To Voice Their Opinions

Blogs are a great way to provide information but also to obtain information. Blogs have made obtaining information much easier.

Blogs as an informational and educational source is becoming popular. Blog info is often tailored to one subject. You can find blogs specifically about photography, sports, fashion, movies, entertainment. The possibilities are endless.

Blogging news stories is another popular type of blog. News blogs are a great resource for news stories. Some news blogs will focus on one type of news such as sports news or health news.

There are many opinions as to what makes great blogs. Many people would say that a great blog is exciting. Some say a great blog has a great layout. Others would say that a great blog posts about what people want to read.

In some instances, blogging can be a persons job. Blogging as a job can be difficult because there are always people who will not agree with what is being said. As a professional blogger you are sure to upset someone.


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August 2013