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The Six Things Recruiters Look For

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Sales and recruiting jobs require leadership skills. Many recruiters look for certain kinds of qualities in their applicants that are required of their position as well. They want to find the leaders out there amongst the over 22 million sales professionals in North America. Sales and recruiting jobs often go hand in hand.

Although headhunters typically asses suitability for a sales and recruiting jobs by looking for relevant skills, knowledge, aptitude, qualifications and educational or job related experience, but there is also another necessary part of being a salesperson. You have to have the right personality. The leadership qualities required of sales and recruiting jobs comes down to six different things. These certain, intangible qualities that make a salesperson successful are charisma, adaptability, confidence, patience, perseverance and enthusiasm.

Charisma is needed to charm your customers, and build a relationship with not just you as their salesperson, but with your company, whom you represent to them.

Adaptability is necessary because no one client is the same. Each needs a different approach, and if you want to make the sale, you need to be willing to adapt a new strategy when your old one fails.

Confidence is needed in sales and recruiting jobs because a confident person is not only likable, but also trustworthy. Remember, you represent your company. If you are confident in what you do and what you say, then they will believe your company is as capable as you appear to be, and will likely make the sale for you.

Patience is needed because some clients will take their sweet time coming to a conclusion. These clients could potentially prove to have huge accounts, which will make the extra time given that much more worth it.

Perseverance is similar to patience, but rather than waiting you out, some clients will make you bend as far backwards as you can. The keyword is bend there, because if you do not have perseverance, then you will break, ruining the account.

Enthusiasm is important because if you are not excited about the services your company offers, then your client will not be either!

Sales and recruiting jobs are a pretty important part of industry. After all, sales team turnover is over 40 percent per year. What are your thoughts on the whole sales and recruiting jobs aspect of business? Have you ever worked with sales headhunters to find the perfect sales people? What were the recruitment firms like? Did they get the recruitment and sales jobs that you needed in your business? Please share your experience in the comments!


Gerald Andrews 13-10-2013, 09:59

So basically you have to be a boy scout? Is that what I am getting from this?

Jessie Fuller 07-03-2014, 15:50

No you basically have to be an extrovert. You have to be someone who likes to talk to people and whom people like to talk to, if you get what Im saying. You have to be able to schmooze.

Miguel Warren 06-04-2014, 17:14

No you basically have to be an extrovert. You have to be someone who likes to talk to people and whom people like to talk to, if you get what Im saying. You have to be able to schmooze.

Alexa Cooper 06-05-2014, 20:43

No you basically have to be an extrovert. You have to be someone who likes to talk to people and whom people like to talk to, if you get what Im saying. You have to be able to schmooze.

Arthur Hubbard 05-06-2014, 20:47

No you basically have to be an extrovert. You have to be someone who likes to talk to people and whom people like to talk to, if you get what Im saying. You have to be able to schmooze.

Cody Murphy 05-07-2014, 20:49

No you basically have to be an extrovert. You have to be someone who likes to talk to people and whom people like to talk to, if you get what Im saying. You have to be able to schmooze.

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