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Want More Customers to Pay On Time? Get An Electronic Billing System

Electronic billing

An electronic billing system is a way for companies to accept payments from consumers. Unfortunately, not every company is utilizing this type of system. Some companies are still using paper billing, which makes costs higher.

If just 20 million Americans switched their bill from paper to electronic, around 151 million pounds of paper could be saved. That is a whole lot of trees still alive in the world.

Another cost savings would come from companies outsourcing their electronic billing system to another company, like utility billing services. When you offer electronic billing to your customers, you can make the bill more clear and concise, which affords people a better understanding of what they are paying for.

A lot of times printing and mailing services are also available through these companies. So now you can outsource not only your billing needs, but your printing and mailing needs too.

And when you package that together with eBilling, you can easily track expenses and save money. What company does not want to save some money?

Another reason to use an electronic billing system is to qualify for postal discounts and maintain an accurate mailing list. It can be hard to do this while you are also running a business.

This alone makes outsourcing your billing worthwhile.

And as if you do not have enough reasons to go electronic with your billing, here is some great news…the ease of paying electronically leads to more customers paying their bills on time.

Now do you see why going electronic is the way to go?


Timothy Adams 30-09-2013, 10:22

Totally true. I always pay my online bills on time. When I have to mail in a check, that is when I start paying late.

Fred Howard 02-03-2014, 14:55

Hello, it is the age of technology, time to get with the program and offer electronic billing.

Calvin Hold 01-04-2014, 15:44

Hello, it is the age of technology, time to get with the program and offer electronic billing.

Lauren Franklin 01-05-2014, 18:10

Hello, it is the age of technology, time to get with the program and offer electronic billing.

Frank Sharp 31-05-2014, 18:12

Hello, it is the age of technology, time to get with the program and offer electronic billing.

Rick Obrien 30-06-2014, 18:14

Hello, it is the age of technology, time to get with the program and offer electronic billing.

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