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What is Enterprise Mobility?

Enterprise mobile app

About 50 percent of people with cell phones have internet access. That is a lot of people with a lot of information at their finger tips. Many businesses now actually give their employees smart phones to use for work and it is estimated that by 2015, 55 percent of smart phones used for business will be employee owned. This is where enterprise mobility comes into play.

You may be wondering, what is enterprise mobility? Enterprise mobility is the set of people, processes and technology focused on managing the increasing array of mobile devices, wireless networks, and such to enable broad use of mobile computing in a business setting. An estimated 70 percent of smart phone users check their work email outside of normal business hours.

There are many different programs that do this, but ActiveSync is one mobile data synchronization app that syncs things such as your email, contacts, tasks and calendars between desktop and mobile devices. It was developed by Microsoft Exchange. ActiveSync enables users to access their work email no matter where they are or what device they are using. ActiveSync is just one of many possibilities to your enterprise mobility solution.

Enterprise mobile device management can be really important to the success of your business. Enterprise mobility makes it so people can work from anywhere now, they do not need to be in the office. Just because people do not have to be in the office, does not mean they will work less. It is actually the contrary. People tend to work more hours now then they did before the use of smart phones, because they are constantly checking and responding to emails.

Do not make work difficult for your employees, make it easier. And trust me, one mobile device that you can access everything on, is definitely easier.


Ramon Carpenter 10-01-2014, 09:13

I dreaded being able to check my work email anywhere, I thought that I would never escape. But now that I have the ability, I love it and I will never go back again.

Eddie Hamilton 26-02-2014, 19:03

I wish I did not compulsively check my work email every second of the day. It is great that I have the ability, but I wish I could shut it off sometimes and run away.

Eric Griffin 28-03-2014, 19:41

I wish I did not compulsively check my work email every second of the day. It is great that I have the ability, but I wish I could shut it off sometimes and run away.

Violet Risher 27-04-2014, 22:03

I wish I did not compulsively check my work email every second of the day. It is great that I have the ability, but I wish I could shut it off sometimes and run away.

Lance Wilson 28-05-2014, 12:16

I wish I did not compulsively check my work email every second of the day. It is great that I have the ability, but I wish I could shut it off sometimes and run away.

Leah Turner 27-06-2014, 12:18

I wish I did not compulsively check my work email every second of the day. It is great that I have the ability, but I wish I could shut it off sometimes and run away.

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