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Tips and Tricks From a Website Designer

Web design services

Considering that global spending on rich media and online banners is projected to hit $1.5 billion by the end of 2013 and search engine optimization (SEO) will move up to $2.2 billion, web designing tips and tricks are what your company should be focusing on.

Outsourcing to a web design company is becoming essential for small businesses to stay afloat throughout the age of information. Furthermore, mobile web design is already widely considered to be the next big marketing trend. In fact, $6.4 billion was the total global amount of money spent on mobile marketing in 2012.

Considering the aforementioned dollar amounts, often one the first of the web designing tips and tricks that are offered is to have a responsive mobile site. 74 percent of people who use mobile devices say that they are likely to return to a site that is well optimized, and a third consider time spent on a poorly optimized site time wasted.

There are many web designing tips and tricks to keep in mind when choosing a company. For example, the decision to include an onsite blog can make all the difference in lead generation. With a blog on the website, SEO marketing is easily accomplished, moving your company up the list of search engine results.

The last of my web designing tips and tricks for this post is to make sure your site is easy to navigate. Nobody likes to be forced into figuring out a confusing webpage. Make sure there is a clear order and organization to the website, which users will find appealing and inviting. If that is not the case, most web surfers will surf on elsewhere.

Helpful info also found here:


Kurt Perkins 17-09-2013, 09:10

The last point you make is so true. No amount of SEO in the world can save a poorly designed site.

Chris Obrien 22-02-2014, 18:42

The number one tip I can offer is to shop around before choosing a website design company

Harold Garner 24-03-2014, 21:43

The number one tip I can offer is to shop around before choosing a website design company

Allen Williamson 23-04-2014, 22:02

The number one tip I can offer is to shop around before choosing a website design company

Mario Miles 23-05-2014, 22:04

The number one tip I can offer is to shop around before choosing a website design company

Ronald Armstrong 22-06-2014, 22:07

The number one tip I can offer is to shop around before choosing a website design company

Aubrey Patterson 22-07-2014, 22:09

The number one tip I can offer is to shop around before choosing a website design company

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