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Why Not Use Portal Integration and Make Life Much Easier?

Sharepoint crm

In the business world, there is a constant exchange of information that needs to be easily accessible and quickly viewed, and many of the larger companies complete this task through the use of web applications. These applications are meant to be accessed by users over a network such as the internet, and the ability to maintain and update them without distributing and installing software on potentially thousands of client computers is a key reason for their popularity. Confusing the idea of web applications and websites is very easy, it is as easy as confusing user interface design and website design, but it is the functionality aspect that should be considered here.

Web applications such as portal integration help weed out and individualize all of the different uses of web applications. Many large companies use countless different portals as well as different technologies to run these portals. Their main purpose is to bring information from multiple different sources together and display them according to how you the user would like them to be organized. Portal development is done easily when creating an individualized application for simpler things like data integration and presentation integration, but also can be created for the more complex aspects like functional integration. Portal integration comes in various forms, with some complex and others much simpler. Listed below are the different types.

1. Display Only
The most simplistic form of its kind. This allows data to be viewed on different areas of the screen, and allows the user to take information from multiple applications and view them on one single screen. It does not really serve any other functionality purpose.

2. Simple Post Processing
Rather than presenting different data that has been received from each individual system, this allows the user to make decisions through the help of the simple rules given by the portal. With such a function, this helps turn raw data into more useful information for the user.

3. Simple Application Interaction
Similar to the first form of Display Only, this will display data in different areas of the screen but also will allow a focus on a specific system. While functionally operating with one of the systems, this variant still allows multiple other systems to be in your view for referencing their data being displayed.

4. Cross Pain Interactivity
This form of portal will speed up the users task without requiring complete integration between all of the systems. But this portal is much more complicated because it does require the availability of common keys for identification of a customer. But because of this much interaction, it often becomes difficult to test and reuse.

These different web application designs and custom application developments are based on the company and what they will use them for. Although there is different uses for portal integration, their components responsibility or purpose remains the same. A portal engine is used to extract information from applications, as well as render information into a unified interface. The components purpose of the application itself is to host relevant business data.
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Sean Ferguson 06-03-2014, 19:15

Portal integration sounds like it simply makes everything easier for all users involved. Almost like the same idea as Cloud or Google Play right? it’s like a more in depth funcioning DropBox! totally cool.

Martin Banks 05-04-2014, 20:26

Portal integration sounds like it simply makes everything easier for all users involved. Almost like the same idea as Cloud or Google Play right? it’s like a more in depth funcioning DropBox! totally cool.

Norman Werner 06-05-2014, 13:48

Portal integration sounds like it simply makes everything easier for all users involved. Almost like the same idea as Cloud or Google Play right? it’s like a more in depth funcioning DropBox! totally cool.

Milton Neal 05-06-2014, 13:50

Portal integration sounds like it simply makes everything easier for all users involved. Almost like the same idea as Cloud or Google Play right? it’s like a more in depth funcioning DropBox! totally cool.

Tommy Lee 05-07-2014, 13:52

Portal integration sounds like it simply makes everything easier for all users involved. Almost like the same idea as Cloud or Google Play right? it’s like a more in depth funcioning DropBox! totally cool.

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