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Get Your Food Protection Certificate for Your Restaurant

Food handling certificate

Foodborne illnesses are a major issue in America, and the statistics back that up. 5,461,731 instances of foodborne norovirus were reported in 2011. Hospitalization was needed in 14,663 cases. If you own a restaurant needing to manage its food quality better getting a food protection certificate through a food safety course program can be of assistance.

A food and hygiene course will equip you with all the information you need about handling food and restaurant food safety in general. For example, the proper temperature for storing food will be discussed. Temperatures between 40 degrees Fahrenheit and 140 degrees Fahrenheit provide an environment known as the “danger zone,” in which dangerous bacteria grow most quickly. If the food is stored at below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, the bacteria cant reproduce. If the temperature gets to 145 degrees, the bacteria is killed altogether. Another interesting fact is that though there certain serotypes of the E. coli bacteria that result in food poisoning, the majority of E. coli strains are not dangerous.

After receiving your food protection certificate, you can proceed knowing that your health standards will be of a high quality, and so you will be able to serve your customers the best product possible.

Questions or comments about obtaining a food protection certificate can be written in the forum below.


Ellie Smith 20-09-2013, 09:14

How long does a food and hygiene course typically run? Im a little worried about scheduling.

Johny Cross 20-02-2014, 18:32

In the end, getting a food protection certificate will help you retain and grow your customer base, saving you time and money. My suggestion is to find a way to work it into your schedule.

Bob Robbins 22-03-2014, 21:28

In the end, getting a food protection certificate will help you retain and grow your customer base, saving you time and money. My suggestion is to find a way to work it into your schedule.

Ava Boyd 21-04-2014, 21:30

In the end, getting a food protection certificate will help you retain and grow your customer base, saving you time and money. My suggestion is to find a way to work it into your schedule.

Alvin Hoffman 21-05-2014, 21:33

In the end, getting a food protection certificate will help you retain and grow your customer base, saving you time and money. My suggestion is to find a way to work it into your schedule.

Molly Cunningham 20-06-2014, 21:35

In the end, getting a food protection certificate will help you retain and grow your customer base, saving you time and money. My suggestion is to find a way to work it into your schedule.

Naomi Walters 20-07-2014, 21:38

In the end, getting a food protection certificate will help you retain and grow your customer base, saving you time and money. My suggestion is to find a way to work it into your schedule.

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